Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Vol 1 (2007) Written by Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning Art by Wes Craig Colors by Randy Mayor & Wildstorm FX Letters by Wes Abbott This graphic novel is the first volume of two. It is marketed as “The horrifying sequel to the hit 2003 film!” Which is why I picked it up. Along with volume two. I can’t say that I was COMPLETELY blown away, but it wasn’t horrible by any means either. For starters, the artwork. It’s good. Really good. But the way it’s all put together, you NEED the writing to go with it, otherwise you don’t know what is fully going on in the story. I happen to believe that when the artwork is supreme and top notch, you should be able to take away the writing and dialogue and still have a full story in front of you. I will say that the artistic depictions of Leatherface are magnificent. Great detail and color. Unfortunately, that didn’t extend to everything art related in the graphic novel. One thing about the way the story was written that I wasn’t crazy about was how it zips back and forth between time frames and there’s no warning and little way to distinguish past from present. Although I wouldn’t necessarily call this horrifying or scary, I would call it interesting, if nothing else. I AM anxious to read volume two and see what happens. Mostly because this first volume seems to be almost a recap of the 2003 film. There is a great action seen involving a chainsaw duel, which is pretty killer, I must say. But, other than Leatherface, the art seems to be pretty universal as in the fact that it is sometimes difficult to distinguish one character from another, as if the support characters don’t need to be individuated from each other. Overall, this was a good volume one graphic novel. I do hope that there’s more blood and gore in the second one and we see some real Leatherface action. RATINGS Overall 4/5 Artwork 4/5 Story 4/5