Written by Stephanie Harris
191 pages A Psychological Thriller Set in the Woods Stephanie Harris’ new book marks beginning of series When Rebecca Paige decides to vacation alone at an isolated resort in the woods, it is a welcome break from her position as the administrator of a psychiatric hospital. Little does she know, the poet is also visiting this peaceful hideaway, and his motivation is far more sinister in nature. “The Poet” by Stephanie Harris is a psychological thriller that does not shy away from the darkness of humanity. On the last day of her trip, Rebecca has an unusual encounter with Jack Shelley, the man in the cabin next door. After he leaves, men with guns suddenly descend on the resort and take Rebecca and the other guests hostage. “My goal was to create a morality tale hiding underneath an edge of your seat thriller, that doesn't pull any punches.” said Harris. “Stephanie Harris’s sexy and suspenseful ‘The Poet’ is a genre triumph, with unrelenting action, intriguing characters, and memorable sensuality,” stated a Foreword Clarion Review Slightly twisted with a literary flair, “The Poet” is the first installment in the new and captivating “The Poet Series” that will have readers thinking about the dark and wondering if love, redemption, and forgiveness really do apply to everyone. About the Author Stephanie Harris is the author of psychological thrillers, and she has a special affection for all things disturbing and uncomfortable. A life-long Midwesterner and a licensed professional counselor, Harris spends her free time writing, day dreaming, and pursuing atypical conversation. Opinion Dominion I really enjoyed this book. It’s short, captivating and gripping at every turn of the page and is a very fast read. This is a true psychological thriller. The characters are awesomely described and the writer creates some of the most violent and graphic images in the mind of the reader. We go back and forth between a couple of time frames. One is the current happenings at the end of Rebecca’s vacation. The other are flashbacks to a childhood. I happen to believe the child to be “The Assassin” character who is nicknamed “The Poet”. But, that remains to be confirmed for sure. This is the first book in a new series that I just have to have. By the end of this first book, you will be so hooked and involved in the story you’ll want to continue into book two right away. I do but, I don’t have book two…yet. If you are a fan of psychological thrillers and like series books, then you will definitely want to pick this up. You can buy it here: Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Poet-Stephanie-Harris/dp/1524670286/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1540240851&sr=8-2&keywords=The+Poet+Stephanie+Harris&dpID=41B5L7FbQCL&preST=_SY291_BO1,204,203,200_QL40_&dpSrc=srch Author House: https://www.authorhouse.com/Bookstore/BookDetail.aspx?BookId=SKU-001121846 RATINGS 5/5 Stars
1 Comment
10/22/2018 05:34:43 pm
Greetings Countess,
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